Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dinner at Dior House

Yesterday I and my hubby was invited to my dear friend Dior house for dinner. Her house is located at Seragoon, We reach there about six plus and was greeted by her friendly Mum. I went to Dior house about five years ago, but that is totally different now she have renovated her room, her room is full of big hello kitty soft toy and her toilet is in red ruby colour, it's look nice but still loses to my lovely room,haha. Mint & her bf Anthony joined us for dinner too. Dior prepared six dishes Sotong with Mushroom, Steam Garlic & Chilli Fish,Two types of fried Chicken,Ikan Billis Meat ball soup, a type of grain food & Claypot Tofu. This is her first try cooking so I dun think is fair for her if I make much comment but still I must make abit of comment so she can do even better next time. Her Sotong with mushroom & Claypot Tofu is abit bland, I personally love her soup and steam fish cos' the soup taste very sweet with lots of ingredient and her steam fish taste very fresh and nice. As for the grain food I was not used to the taste and the fried chicken is those ready cooked but overall the food taste not too bad for a first try cooking. Really thanks her for putting effort and time cooking for us. Now I am waiting for mint to cook Minced Meat Spaghetti for me. Cooking may be easy but it can be very tiring and take alot of time especially when nobody helps you. I enjoyed cooking alot but hate washing,Cutting and mopping. I used to cook everyday but I find it too tired cos' by the time I get back home do cooking, do my household & preparing dishes for tomorrow dishes is about nine to ten plus already. I don't have enough time to do my own things so next time when someone cooks for you then learn to appreciate the effort and time they put in every single dishes rather than complaining about the food. Like me I make comment behind my dear friend Dior but not in front of her if not she will be Heart Broken : )

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