Monday, March 30, 2009

Tangkak Trip

Gentle Mother-in-law eating dumpling!

Butter Roti Prata

My nice roti tissue

Xiang lan Flat roti tissue

God light car drining in tangkak


This simple dry bee hoon kueh in muar is actually the best food I had ever eaten in my life

Tasty baby sotong

Nomal Wontan Mee

Wontan soup

I just came back from tangkak, I went back with hubby for tomb sweeping and the weather was really hot till I feel very giddy while praying. I feel very angry when hubby bro dog came to my room to bite my hello kitty pyjamas, the pyjamas is a gift from my mother and I feel like going back to singapore immediately. Actually I really dislike animal since I was young so whenever I went back now I will hid in the room, although my father-in-law and mother-in-law treated me very well but still I can't hid my unhappiness in my heart so I just hid in the room the whole day, now then I realish the only happiness when I went back to tangkak is when I go out with xiang lan cos' she understand me the most, she even give me one of her new pyjamas otherwise I think I will go back to singapore immediately. And when I go back hubby is not with me he only care to go out with his frenz so I feel very boring at his home. But on may we have to go back again cos' we have to attend hubby cousin wedding, haiz again I must stay in the room again, hope xiang lan can spent more time with me and bring me around for nice food and now let the picture talk as deal to heatiness I got red eye now.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bentem Cafe

Pls dun vomit yet when you saw this picture as this is 2009 MOST FASHION & IN HAIRSTYLE but if you doesn't know how to appreciate these sorry you are out from the world of craziness lah,haha!

My naughty hubby

Happy couple

Me again

Pity hubby so young became bald hair, should bring him to beijing 101!

Caser Saland

Potato croquett

Salmon noodles

My fav ice cream

Today is a really an unlucky day for me cos' in the afternoon the nagging big mouth insurance agent call me and asked me alot of things, all this things suppose to be shy hney and ah wee uncle job but she keep on calling me and when shy hney talk to her in a moody voice, she complaint to my dad, I really dislike her cos' I find her very irritating keep on pesting me and others workers to buy insurance from her and call me to asked me unncessary things. I hate people who put on mask in front of people and this insurance gal big mouth always buy food for us and like new year she will buy abalone for me and my dad and ah wee uncle, when next chinese new year come I will tell her not to buy abalone for us anymore cos' it we can afford abalone but we can't afford to spent so much time listening to her nonsense. But my brother frenz kenny is also working as insurance agent, and I personally like to buy from him those insurance policy as he will not expect you to buy those expensive and unnecessary insurance and he will approache people nicely unlike that big mouth everytime make my ear pain. And also I had dinner with my hubby at bentem cafe and the food is average there but hubby had forgotten to take the hong kong cd I had rental and was gone when we return back to the cafe to find and of course hubby can scolding from me and we have to pay for the cd $20 id the person does not return. Actually I'm very angry at the first place but hubby did not leave the cd purposely so not worth quarrel over something that is already missing but cherish what I have now. But for hubby he is extremely happy as I went to game shop to upload alot of game for his nientendo ds but poor me no cd to watch tonite,haha hope tomolo will be a better day for me.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family cooking day!

Yesterday my bro ask me & hubby to go to my parent hse to cook dumpling together, my bro once in a while will organise bbq at home or asked all of us out to have dinner together so I think my bro is a very family guy, no matter how busy he is he will still make time for the family. Hubby and I brough durian,chilli crab and fried rice and my dear bro brough fried chicken wing and char kwee thew and we made dumpling together with mum and hubby, this is our first try for the dumpling so the shape and taste wise seem funny but what important is not what we produce but the process of cooking together. Although my sister and dad did not join us this round but hope in future will have more time spent together as a family!

Ktv session with my dear frenz!

It has been a long time ever since I last blog,I'm getting pretty lazy nowadays,maybe I'm getting older liao, last sat I went to new york to do facial with mint,it was very comfortable & relaxing and also meet dior & mint for ktv session and have dinner together at kenny roger, I love to hang out with dior and mint,both of them are my best frenz from shatec who always help me when I needed help and give me advise whenever I have promblem, mint is a gentle,good temper,caring,understanding,patient & easy going person, for so many years when we meet I will ask her where she wanna go or whether if she wants to watch any movie then she will definely say anything lor up to youlor,I anything de,haha and even if she has watch the movie before, she will still accompany me to watch again and dior on another hand was a rough,playful,caring,helpful frenz and she once cooks for us and although the food is quite simple but I find it taste great as I always love frenz who cooks for me and whenever dior and mint came to my hse they will bake or make some dessert to bring over to. Mint now had a wonderful and caring boyfrenz Anthony and I am really happy for her and find Anthony a very lucky guy cos' mint is really quite perfect women,hope they will stay together forever and for dior although she had not found a better half yet but I believe she will find a nice guy too. Hope our friendship last forever and thanks for everything you two have done for me,luv you gals muack!