Friday, March 20, 2009

Bentem Cafe

Pls dun vomit yet when you saw this picture as this is 2009 MOST FASHION & IN HAIRSTYLE but if you doesn't know how to appreciate these sorry you are out from the world of craziness lah,haha!

My naughty hubby

Happy couple

Me again

Pity hubby so young became bald hair, should bring him to beijing 101!

Caser Saland

Potato croquett

Salmon noodles

My fav ice cream

Today is a really an unlucky day for me cos' in the afternoon the nagging big mouth insurance agent call me and asked me alot of things, all this things suppose to be shy hney and ah wee uncle job but she keep on calling me and when shy hney talk to her in a moody voice, she complaint to my dad, I really dislike her cos' I find her very irritating keep on pesting me and others workers to buy insurance from her and call me to asked me unncessary things. I hate people who put on mask in front of people and this insurance gal big mouth always buy food for us and like new year she will buy abalone for me and my dad and ah wee uncle, when next chinese new year come I will tell her not to buy abalone for us anymore cos' it we can afford abalone but we can't afford to spent so much time listening to her nonsense. But my brother frenz kenny is also working as insurance agent, and I personally like to buy from him those insurance policy as he will not expect you to buy those expensive and unnecessary insurance and he will approache people nicely unlike that big mouth everytime make my ear pain. And also I had dinner with my hubby at bentem cafe and the food is average there but hubby had forgotten to take the hong kong cd I had rental and was gone when we return back to the cafe to find and of course hubby can scolding from me and we have to pay for the cd $20 id the person does not return. Actually I'm very angry at the first place but hubby did not leave the cd purposely so not worth quarrel over something that is already missing but cherish what I have now. But for hubby he is extremely happy as I went to game shop to upload alot of game for his nientendo ds but poor me no cd to watch tonite,haha hope tomolo will be a better day for me.

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