Thursday, September 11, 2008

Count Down!

One more day I will be going to malaysia for 4 days 3 night, first day is the eve of my brother-in-law Ah Wang wedding so I guess I will be busying entertaining those relative and frenz during the buffet session,second day I will be attending Ah Wang wedding, third day going to genting with my hubby, Xiao lan & Lao keong and finally fourth day going back to singapore. Finally can relax liao, this week have been a busy week for me celebrating my birthday & making cupcakes and feel pissed off just now when Ah Zhi said I treat her as maid, didnt I treat her as sister? Anyway I will not talk to her for 1 month until when I need her help and I only asked her help me bring the cupcake things out and wake up 9.30am to wait for the air con men to service my hse aircon then she insult me already, haiz really no comment! When I go back to malaysia I must watch my diet strictly or else I will be back to my normal size liao must ask my hubby to control me!

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