Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Frenz with Funny Character!

Next Sun 14 Sept 2008 is my brother in law wedding, I can't wait to go back to tangkak to my hubby hometown to visit my dearest best friend Seow lan. I and going to genting with my hubby, Seow lan & Seow lan boyfriend Lao Keong. Currently I wish to go to a place where I don't belongs to cos' nobody there knows who am I so they treat me well for no reason. Sometime I was wondering why people around me treat me well and let me have my way? Isnt for some reason or for no reason? Wheneven I am with Seow lan I will feel happy cos' I truely feel she care and concern for me unlike some of my frenz got funny character like Ah Hui like to complain about her life without realishing that actually she is a very lucky gal with comfortable life and parent who dote on her, Shy always menopause in the company sometime don't talk, dun smile,closed the door so loud when moody, and Ah Zhi whenever we watch ghost or horror movie likes to laugh very loud and actually I feel very scarde to watch movies with her cos' she used to make sarcastic comment loudly and openly, and I will not dare to travel with her again since the Hong Kong trip she nearly kill me with her unbelievable high pitch loud shout in plane but lucky not now any more, maybe her character is back to normal now perhaps one of the main reason is since she stay with me, she realish without family love but still have friends love is even better and I guess she feel lucky to have a best friend and sister with good character like me,She will definely faint and kill me if she saw this post. Seow Lan treats friends very good, and she is very caring & understanding, she will rememeber what I like to eat and what things I like that make my heart touch to tears but my three others funny best friend also let me touch too but is make my heart touch even more cos' of heart attack! But since I have this three friends with funny character, definely my character isnt normal too,haha but wanna write my character think I can't finish writing this whole life so better dun write but anyone who knows me should know especially my beloved hubby and people who works with me! I really hope One day I can really be real happy not only in my expression but also in my heart. Anyway later Ah Hui will come to my house to complain the whole night, I guess tonight Ah Zhi & my ear will not have peace but We both truely hope our dearest best friend Ah Hui can overcome her promblem but I believe she will cos' she always forever have Ah Zhi & I beside her care,encourage her and of course tolerate her ureasonable complain ba! I pray hard to god hope she will find a better half soon if not our ear will becomes deaf soon.

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